We had a little something-something goin' on with Sensual Sports back in April, and in spite of the harsh morning-after light and my general poor hygiene, they kept in touch.
I recently sat down with them over oysters and poppers for a catch up and asked them a few questions... I didn't, I emailed asking if they'd be interested in putting together a mini-mix for us, and do you know what? They were, and did.
They were in truth also kind enough to fill us in on happenings between our last post and this, notably; a. Finishing university and b. Remixing and writing new material, which leads us to c. All will be revealed soon
ConSensual // 0.20:28
Donkey Kong - Acquatic Ambience
Tanlines - Bejan
Dezz - Boom Boom
Blur - Good Song
Phoenix - Lisztomania (Classixx Version)
Kisses - Bermuda
Good Shoes - Sophia
Fiction - To Stick To
Sensual Sports - ConSensual Mix (YSI)
Thomas says this is essentially what they listen to when "sitting around getting stoned and making music". I don't know what they're talking about Mum, but I do know that this is rather a nice selection of choice tunes, and you'd do well to download it, K?