Sunday 26 April 2009

Hits The Spot: Can You Hear The Scream?

It seems that time has had the better of me recently, but rest assured that I'm still around and will be getting back in the blogging game in the next few weeks with some very big things.

It's not often that the narcissist's website of choice produces great music but Twitter came up trumps this morning with Croyden's fantastic Goldielocks posting her remix of New In Town, the first fully released single from Little Boots in her usual 'dubby grime pop' style.

With every new track from Little Boots, it seems like producers and remixers seem to crawl out of the woodwork to jump on the bandwagon in an effort to break in to the mainstream but most have passed me by as it's started to become tedious.

Only two have stood out from the crowd, the one from Gold Panda (on his game as usual) and this one, here it is.

Little Boots - New In Town (Goldielocks Remix)

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3 Voicemails:

Joey said...

This is brilliant.

I also really like the Fake Blood remix of 'Stuck on Repeat' though.

Carl said...

As do I, I meant for this particular track though!

Joey said...

Oh. Oops. My bad.

Goldielocks is a talent. I think remixes and 'featuring Goldielocks' spots are the best way for her to go.