It's a marathon, not a sprint she says.
It's a grind I think.
I don't have the puff I think.
With a last gasp I catch Abe, draw it in deep, fill my sails with it.
And the horizon burns bright her finish line.
This is beautiful I think.
Abe - Think Of More
7 Voicemails:
If you squint really really hard, it's almost like you're reading DDW.
If you squint really really hard at Carl's posts, your eyes will eventually shut, then you can't read his SHIT.
So highbrow.
This is why I'm always 'out of town' when you're in it.
blogocalypse now.
I thought that was because you were under the thumb? It might be a good time to start that new blog you were talking about. You know, the one with the boobies.
Fucking hell Carl, thanks for telling everyone about my Best Breasts blog idea you massive bell piece!
Still taking contributions btw.
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