Erm... Hello? Is anyone there?
We're sorry that we've been so quiet recently as we've been crazy busy with other projects and party and bullshit. Oh, what's that? Of course we missed you too!
Anyway, I thought I'd bring things up to speed by catching up with the ghost of blog posts past and find out what's going on with our nearest and dearest.
First off, the disarmingly charming Danimal Kingdom released his debut single Vinyl Skipping Ever Backward / Through The Ice through the Slutty Fringe's love-child imprint Hot Pockets and can be heard in its entirety here:
Danimal Kingdom - Vinyl Skipping Ever Backward / Through The Ice
Featuring my second favourite Danimal track in Through The Ice (my first being Good As Gold), it's available from all good online and IRL shops.
Next up is the brooding loner that is Dave.I.D, who will release his debut album Response through his own Off The Uncertain Button imprint on !K7 Records on 13th June.
I've had the pleasure of hearing an advanced copy and it's just as heavy, pounding and darkly poppy as I'd hoped it would be after catching his impressive set at Brighton's Great Escape festival earlier in the month.
In typical celebratory fashion, here's a spectacularly acidic remix by The Horrors' synth man Tom Furse, it's an acquired taste.
Dave.I.D - Only Me I Can Save (Tom Furse of The Horrors Remix)

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