Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Competition: Zootime

In an unprecedented move and courtesy of the magnificent Gold Panda and good friends Brilliantly Different, I'm giving away two pairs of tickets to the Gold Panda / Simian Mobile Disco gig at Camden's Roundhouse which is part of the iTunes Festival on the 29th of July.

Rather than have you answer some ridiculously easy question or just mail me your details with "OMGZ I LUV GOLD PANDA!!!!1", I thought that I'd make it a little more interesting.

If I were asked to describe Gold Panda's sound or how one of his
tracks made me feel, I don't think I could do justice to either.

With that in mind, I'm asking you to send in a drawing, painting or photograph that best represents the feeling, thoughts or emotion conjured in your mind when listening to the track Back Home (which can be found on his Myspace).

Please email illegaltendermagazine@gmail.com with the subject line Gold Panda Gig and include a link to the image as well as your name with the restriction of one image per person. The competition will close on 15th of July.

The two winning images will then be chosen by myself and Gold Panda and will be announced the next day. Good luck!


Pre-order Gold Panda's debut release (via Various Production) the Miyamae EP (which includes track Back Home) now through Puregroove and Rough Trade.

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1 Voicemails:

jamila FUCKING DANCE said...