Thursday 23 July 2009

Hype: We're Living In A Warrior's World

Mancunian two-piece Kiss In Cities is the new project from Laura Marsden and Joe Cross of (we are) Performance.

It's still early days for their self-proclaimed "pop experiment", as the live setup is still in development, but it's clear that the tracks are practically there already (with Lunatics being my favourite thus far).

Their aim is to "craft catchy tracks with darkly intelligent and kitschy, comic lyrics" and I think that sums them up pretty well, with synth-pop romp U R My Girl perfectly encompassing all of the above.

I know the 80's vibe has pretty much gone beyond saturation point this year but when it's done right it's like mullets never went out of fashion and this could easily be mistaken for a Lauper classic.

Kiss In Cities - U R My Girl

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