Saturday, 3 January 2009

Hype: 2009 Who's Who #1

So January 1st has passed and Illegal Tender is now a year old, it's time to turn my attention to 2009.

Here's the first of my tips for the year ahead:

#1 The Velcro Quartet

The brainchild of Glasgow-based Joe Rodger has been on my radar for a long time now and TVQ have been gradually gaining plaudits from all over the place for the past year and a bit, and it's about time that the people of the world bow to his genius.

With a sound as warped and unique as his mind, Joe narrates the scene of a Glaswegian fairytale set in a parallel universe. A place where muggings, murder and general wrongdoings take place in hallowed fairgrounds, haunted soundscapes and twisted nursery rhymes.

I'm a firm believer that talent prevails, it's just a shame that most of the majors haven't twigged on yet. With the industry in the transition that it is, it's people like Joe Rodger and The Velcro Quartet who may prove to be its future champions.

The Velcro Quartet - Dead Dogs' Hill (YSI)

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